Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Welcome to Masjid Al Madinah Upper Darby Islamic Center

Masjid Al Madinah is a cooperative effort of the Muslim Community in Upper Darby.
The Masjid was incorporated in 1999 to provide a place of Islamic activities for the growing Muslim Community in Delaware County.

The Masjid is located at 201 S 69th Street, Upper Darby, PA 19082 just west of Philadelphia.

Our Upcoming Session

We will update our sessions as soon they are scheduled.
Jumuah Bayan @ 12.30 PM
Arabic Khutbah @ 1:10 PM
February 10, 2025

11 Sha'ban 1446

Fajr Iqamah

6:00 am

3 Hours 33 Minutes
Prayer Begins Iqamah
Fajr5:44 am 6:00 am
Sunrise6:59 am
Zuhr12:21 pm 1:00 pm
Asr3:51 pm 4:15 pm
Maghrib5:34 pm 5:37 pm
Isha6:48 pm 7:30 pm


  • Daily Prayers
  • Jumu’ah Prayer
  • Eid Prayers
  • Weekly Tafsir, Fiqh and Hadith Programs
  • Daily and Weekly Visitation of local Muslim brothers
  • Islamic education for Muslim children
  • Adult Classes
  • Interfaith Events
  • Dawah Programs

How To Donate

You can make donation thru Paypal, by using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex etc.

Please click below button to donate:



Paypal is the foremost payment service of the Internet. Safely donate to Masjid Al-Madinah by clicking the “Donate” button below. You’ll be subsequently taken to the completely secure Paypal page and you’ll be given a choice between using your own card and using a Paypal account. Note that you do not have to be a Paypal member in order to donate.

Check or Money Order 

Please make your check or money order payable to: 

Masjid Al-Madinah 
201 S. 69th Street Upper Darby, PA 19082 
Phone: (610) 352-4313 ۞

Allah, exalted be He, says: 
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Quran 2:261)

Upcoming Events

Recent Events

New Shahadahs

Quran in Arabic Only

Quran in English

Quran in Urdu

Quran in Bangla Only

Quran in W.African

Our Services

Daily Prayers

Masjid Al Madinah is open everyday for the five daily prayers and Jumu’ah prayer. Bayaan starts at 1:00 pm.


Daily and weekly classes are held for both adults and children. Learn to memorize the Quran, tajwid, seerah etc.

Marriage Services

Masjid Al Madinah provides marriage service including counseling Nikah Services. Prior appointment is request to be made with the Imam.

Youth & Family Issues

Parenting is hard! There are ways to keep structure and happiness in the family while teaching the kids respect, discipline, and building character.

Funeral Services

Masjid Al Madinah is committed to providing quality service and guidance to all Muslims by fulfilling the religious duties of performing proper Islamic burial for their deceased.

Improvement Project

Masjid Al Madinah continues with improvement projects. We have completed installing and lighting the dome, air-conditioning, roof replacement, lower level renovation, second floor bathroom relocation, parking lot and its wall, gate and fencing, awning, etc. Please continue to donate for improvement projects.


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